Team of the Year

Team of the Year

Nominations for Team of the Year are closed at this time.


Recognizing and celebrating the significant achievements, performances and contributions of Alberta’s amateur athletes. These athletes are outstanding role models who inspire other Albertans to higher achievements at the recreational or competitive level.

The 2024 awards are open to Alberta teams meeting the following criteria:

  • Junior Team of the Year
  • Open -Team of the Year
  • All eligible team members must meet their national/ international age standards for their sport.
  • The Team must either compete in a domestic league and be based in an Alberta municipality, or be a National Team based in the province with the majority of team members that are Alberta Residents
  • Teams, whose athletes live temporarily in other locations for education or training purposes and are products of the Alberta sport development system are eligible for nomination. A significant portion (at least five years) of the athlete’s sport development shall have occurred in Alberta.
  • In the Team categories, the team must have represented Alberta nationally or Canada internationally in the 2024 calendar year.